Our mission statement

To provide a club where kids can share their thoughts on our environment and what we can do to help endangered animals.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

The Meeting of the S.E.A

Well,  we had our 3rd meeting of the S.E.A and in this meeting we watched the documentary movie 'The Last Ocean'.  It was fantastic, very informative and really gives you all the information and a view on what is occurring in the Ross  Sea.  

It certainly give you a lots to talk and think about.  

As a group we discussed what we can do to help with making the Ross sea an protected area as it truly is the most pristine place in the world.

We urge everyone to watch this movie and voice your opinion to those who can help. 

As you maybe aware there was a meeting of those who can make this happen recently but unfortunately they could not agree.   There is going to be another meeting mid 2013 we are hoping they can may the right choice but in the meantime we can let them know how we feel.

Our final meeting will be late November and we are hoping to have a special guest from Massey Wild base to talk to the group.  Will post more detail in the next week.

Many thanks for taking the time to read our blog - Tira.