Our mission statement

To provide a club where kids can share their thoughts on our environment and what we can do to help endangered animals.

Sunday, 5 August 2012

The Magnificant Blue Whale

(presented by Tira at the first S.E.A meeting)

What it eats
Blue whales eat big gulps of krill. They are known to eat about 4 tons. Krill is really small and so blue whales have millions baleen plates that is like a sift. When it eats the krill, the krill stays on and the water drains down. Blue whales are known to eat are known to eat things without noticing.

The size
The blue whale is the biggest animal in the world and reaches the length of 30.5 metres long. When you go close to one humans could get killed if got hit by its huge tail.  

Their Colour
The blue whale is called  a blue whale not only because its blue because when you see it reaching the surface it is a gray. Only underwater it is blue and has small patches of gray. 

Their Predators
The main predator of a blue whale is orcas. They are predators to all whales. 25% of blue whales have scars on them. No blue whales have been killed by them. Sharks also injure blue whales. 

People today help whales by sending out sailors to tell whalers to stop. And banning whaling on certain types of whales.

People are trying to stop the whaling by Japan, Iceland and Norway. And now this year South Korea will also start whaling again.

Today only 2000 blue whales are in the world.

How you can help
Support efforts to improve fishing gear by only buying seafood that is MSC certified. This can help to reduce the incidence of marine by catch, which kills whales and other marine life like turtles, dolphins, and seabirds. 

Vote Earth by taking part in Earth Hour! As climate change is a growing threats for whales, we need to send a message to our leaders that warming must be limited to under 2 degrees Celsius.

You can adopt a Blue Whale, yes that is right, you can adopt a blue whale.
to go Worldwild life fund
then select 'Adopt' and then 'Blue Whale’

And although you don't actually get a blue Whale in the post you will help with a donation towards saving the whale.
  Please remember to ask your parents before doing this. 


  1. I love your blue whale and it looks so so so so sooooo cool.

  2. I love your blue whale's colour because that is my colour blue
    from ARAHI
