Our mission statement

To provide a club where kids can share their thoughts on our environment and what we can do to help endangered animals.

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Next meeting 3rd November

Hi there,

Our next meeting will be Saturday 3rd November at the usual place.  Please let one of our members know if you are able to attend. 

There will be a couple of presentations.  Kiwa will be doing one on the Cheetah.  

We will also have the 'The last ocean' available.  This documentary is about the race to protect earth's last untouched ocean, the Ross Sea Antarctica, from our insatiable appetite for fish.  It is really informative.   



  1. Jeez.wow.this blog is getting... COOL! I'll definitely come to the next meeting.
    Advice:We should have like, a movie or something for Christmas!!

  2. Hobbit (AKA Leonardo) I think that is a awesome idea because its nearly Christmas:)

  3. Just so you know that we did have a movie: the last ocean. Have you been checking the blog!

  4. wow this is a good way to save amimals
